Advanced Training Institute
You deserve the best so choose the best. At the Advances Training Institute we believe learning should be an experience not a text book and slide presentation.
Someone once said:
Tell me and I’ll Forget
Show me and I’ll Remember
Involve me and I’ll Understands
Author Unknown
Your instructors will be professionals who are successful in their field. They will share real life job experiences while covering course material. You are all adults with your own job experiences. Clearly there will be a range of experience in the class. We ask that you share your experience.
Remember to have fun in the class room. Education should be fun.

Online Class or Live Classroom
What is the difference between the online and classroom learning experience? The number of credits and hours are the same, but one offers slightly more benefits.
- Travel time and costs are a saving for online.
- Doing the course work at your own pace
- Courses fees are 5 to 15% lower
- No text book fees
- Taking the courses test at home
- Starting and stopping when you want
- You get to chose what Evening or days can be free
Live Classroom
- Professional and social Networking are a benefit for in class
- Learning from the shared experiences of the instructor and fellow students is a big benefit of the class room.
- Social advantage; you may find the partner, associate broker, future spouse you always reamed about.
- You can complete course and take the test in less time.
- Day time classes free up your evenings
- Evening classes leave your days for your business or your family.
We made a score card to help you decide online or classroom. Click Here.